I. General information about “The Journey 1750”:
“The Journey 1750” is a cultural project established by students of the Hanoikids Voluntary English Club in 2015 with the desire to bring the students in Hanoi the opportunity to learn and improve knowledge about the history and the traditional culture of Hanoi in particular and Vietnam in general.Following the success of the event four years ago, “The Journey 1750” will return with the theme of Cuisine – Culture, along with many new changes in format in 2019. “The Journey 1750” hopes can continue to raise, spread the love and passion of young people with cultural beauty in the national cuisine.
II. Contest’s rules of “The Journey 1750”:
1. Purposes:
– Create a valuable playground to learn about Vietnamese cuisine & culture for students living in Hanoi, thereby inspiring love and desire to learn the Vietnamese culture of young people.
– Raising awareness about Vietnamese cultural sources from learning about traditional cuisine, promoting the spread of beauty to international friends as the values that organizer
– Hanoikids Voluntary English Club is pursuing.
2. Benefits:
– Expand the network with students from many different high schools & universities in Hanoi.– The opportunity to experience and discover the Vietnamese cuisine.– The opportunity to receive certificates from Hanoikids – Voluntary English Club
– Improve soft skills such as teamwork, situation solving, communication, etc.
– The opportunity to win big prizes from the organizer.
3. Eligibility and how to register?
– High school students and students who are currently living in Hanoi or staying in Hanoi during the competition can register.
– Participants register as a group
– each team has from 3 to 5 members.
4. Time and venue:
– Time: The competition starts on June 1 and ends on June 16
.– Venue: Hanoi
5. Prize:
The total prize of the competition is up to VND 27,000,000
– First Prize (Quantity: 1)VND 5,000,000 in cash + First Prize Certificate
– Second Prize (Quantity: 1)VND 3,000,000 in cash + Second Prize Certificate
– Third Prize (Quantity: 2)VND 1,000,000 in cash + Third Prize Certificate
And many gifts from sponsors & partners of the event.
6. Schedule:
Round 1: Application (From May 22 to May 29)
In this round, the participants will set up teams of 3 – 5 members.Teams’ members will fill out the application form together.In round 1, teams register to participate in the event by:– Fill out the application form to participate in the program.– Answering the question from the organizer: “If you can choose a dish to be the symbol of Hanoi, which dish will you choose?” (English or Vietnamese)At the end of Round 1, the organizer will choose and send emails to the 100 of best teams to move on to Round 2.
Round 2: Test & Challenges (From June 1 to June 13)
In Round 2, 100 chosen teams will undergo 2 challenges simultaneously:– Online test (including 50 questions within 40 minutes with the knowledge of cuisine, culture, history, general knowledge, etc.)– Cuisine challenge (upload photos of 5 dishes that members of each team like the best about Hanoi cuisine and the points will be evaluated through the number of likes and shares on Facebook).In the online test (50%), the teams can choose the time to take the test. Each team can only log in and do the test once – in the selected time frame. The test will be done online on an online platform.In the Cuisine challenge (50%), teams will need to create an album and post 5 photos, corresponding to 5 dishes that members like the most about Hanoi cuisine – attached caption include: Name of dish + Address to eat it.
Round 3: The Finale (Sunday, June 16)
The top 8 best teams will enter the final round with the task of solving challenges and missions related to food & culture in the Old Quarter area (Simulating reality shows Running Man and Amazing Race)The best team is the team that can overcome all challenges and gets to the final destination.
More to read:
> Blogs > Tour Records > The Journey…