Category Archives: Activities

When Hanoikids Meets SOTA: A Food Tour to Remember!

What happens when a group of 27 vibrant students and teachers from Singapore’s renowned School of the Arts (SOTA) meets the passionate travel-mates of Hanoikids? Pure magic—and a Saturday night to remember! On the evening of Saturday, May 18, 2024, Hanoikids organized a special food tour, taking the SOTA group on an unforgettable culinary journeyExplore

When Hanoikids Meets Japanese High School students: A City Tour to Remember!

On December 10th, 2024, Hanoikids delivered what looked like an usual Old Quarter city tour – one that it had been doing everyday for nearly 20 years. This one was not a typical tour though; it featured 23 students and teachers from Kansai University Hokuyo High School – made possible by the partnership between GPAExplore

Advanced Training with Hanoikids

Following the success of many Advanced Training courses, Hanoikids organized this annual event in 2020 to provide Kids with professional knowledge about Hanoi’s culture and historical landmarks besides 5 basic sites in Basic Training. It was a sunny day in October 2020 for over 70 members of Hanoikids to take part in the Advanced TrainingExplore

Tour Experience Sharing Seminar – Sharpen our Travel Mates

With an aim of preparing the information and experience for Kids, TOUR EXPERIENCE SHARING SEMINAR (TESS) – an annual event of Hanoikids is organized by the cooperation of two departments: Training Department and Tour Operations Department (TOD). To the new “Kids”, not only the number of tours but also the tours’ quality are important tributesExplore

The Journey 1750

I. General information about “The Journey 1750”: “The Journey 1750” is a cultural project established by students of the Hanoikids Voluntary English Club in 2015 with the desire to bring the students in Hanoi the opportunity to learn and improve knowledge about the history and the traditional culture of Hanoi in particular and Vietnam inExplore