> FAQs 

This section provides answers to common questions from Tourists and Kid-wannabes. If you cannot find the answer to your questions below or have urgent enquiries, please contact us.

About Tours:

1. What is a Free Tour?

Hanoikids offers tours around Hanoi without charge so you only have to prepare the expenses during the tour such as admission fees, food and drinks, as well as transportation fees (if any) both for you and Hanoikids member(s). Your great experience is our motivation and happiness.

2. Which tour is suitable for me?

Hanoikids offers 3 main tour packages: City Tour, Food Tour and Virtual Tour (with details can be found in Our Tours). You can choose one or more packages based on your time and interests. Above all, we are willing to listen to your demand and arrange the best one(s) for you.

3. How can I book a tour?

There are two ways to book a tour with us :• Use online booking function on the page Book Tours• Send an email to our Tour Operation Department at hanoikidsvn@gmail.com.

4. How do I know if my booking is accepted?

You will receive a response email from Hanoikids within 72 hours after the time of your booking. In case of no email, or you have any urgent request, feel free to contact our Tour Operation Department. Please stay in touch until we reach a final agreement.

5. How do I know my booking details are secure?

You can rest assured that your personal data is used only for the purpose of the tour. Beside encrypting each booking via SSL protocol, we take all necessary measures required to keep all your personal data secured.

6. Is there anything I am expected to do during the tour?

Just be open and enjoy yourself. Besides the motivation to improve English, Hanoikids members also look to have memorable experiences with you, so it would be great if we could talk and share like friends.

About Contribution:

1. What is ''contribution'' in our club?

Your support to Hanokids in terms of money.

2. What will my contribution be used for?

Your contribution will be added to Hanoikids fund used for running the club, organizing events, rewarding excellent members and donating to community campaigns. Do note that Hanoikids members don’t keep your money as private money.

3. How can I donate money to Hanoikids?

You can give it to Hanoikids members directly after the tour or make a donation via PayPal.

4. Is there a specific amount of money I am expected to donate?

No. Any amount is appreciated. We truly thank you for your contribution to help build and grow a better Hanoikids.

About Recruitment:

1. When is the new member recruitment(s)? How can I become a member of Hanoikids?

Hanoikids recruits new members twice a year in the Spring Recruitment and Fall Recruitment. Hanoikids welcomes university/college students (except final-year students) in Hanoi with intermediate English skills and at least 1 year of commitment.To become an official member, you must pass the 3-round selection process (Round 1: Application Form, Round 2: Test and Activities, Round 3: Personal Interview) and fully complete the compulsory Basic Training Course.

2. Do I have to be excellent at English?

Being a travel mate will require at least an intermediate English level. It’s great if you already have a good English background. However, please note that English is not the only criterion for selection. As long as you can showcase your enthusiasm and motivation to learn, there’s always an open door for you.

3. Do I need to have a wide range of knowledge to become a member?

If you have a wide knowledge, that’s really a plus point! If not just yet, our training sessions will equip you with the necessary background (history, culture and more) so that you can confidently go on tours. So don’t be afraid to apply!

4. Along with being a travel mate, are there any other activities I can participate in Hanoikids?

Definitely!Hanoikids consists of 5 main departments: Training, Internal Relations, External Relations, Tour Operation and Public Relations working on different roles to run the club. Moreover, we also run many other side projects: Website team, Tour team, etc. What’s more, lots of internal activities for members are organised, from trainings, sharing sessions to contests, outings, club trips. Doesn’t that sound appealing?